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Push data to a Hugging Face Hub dataset.

A GlobalStep which creates a datasets.Dataset with the input data and pushes it to the Hugging Face Hub.


  • repo_id: The Hugging Face Hub repository ID where the dataset will be uploaded.

  • split: The split of the dataset that will be pushed. Defaults to "train".

  • private: Whether the dataset to be pushed should be private or not. Defaults to False.

  • token: The token that will be used to authenticate in the Hub. If not provided, the token will be tried to be obtained from the environment variable HF_TOKEN. If not provided using one of the previous methods, then huggingface_hub library will try to use the token from the local Hugging Face CLI configuration. Defaults to None.

Runtime Parameters

  • repo_id: The Hugging Face Hub repository ID where the dataset will be uploaded.

  • split: The split of the dataset that will be pushed.

  • private: Whether the dataset to be pushed should be private or not.

  • token: The token that will be used to authenticate in the Hub.

Input & Output Columns


  • dynamic (all): all columns from the input will be used to create the dataset.


Push batches of your dataset to the Hugging Face Hub repository

from distilabel.steps import PushToHub

push = PushToHub(repo_id="path_to/repo")

result = next(
                "instruction": "instruction ",
                "generation": "generation"
# >>> result
# [{'instruction': 'instruction ', 'generation': 'generation'}]
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