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Install the SDK with pip

Since this package is not yet published on PyPi, you can install it directly from the repository:

pip install git+

Run the Argilla server

If you have already deployed Argilla Server, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you can quickly deploy it in two different ways:


You can use this SDK with any stable release of argilla server >= 1.27.

  • Using a HF Space.
  • Locally with Docker.
docker run -d --name quickstart -p 6900:6900 argilla/argilla-quickstart:latest

Connect to the Argilla server

Get your <api_url>:

  • If you are using HF Spaces, it should be constructed as follows: https://[your-owner-name]-[your_space_name]
  • If you are using Docker, it is the URL shown in your browser (by default http://localhost:6900)

Get your <api_key> in My Settings in the Argilla UI (by default owner.apikey).


Make sure to replace <api_url> and <api_key> with your actual values. If you are using a private HF Space, you need to specify your HF_TOKEN which can be found here.

import argilla_sdk as rg

client = rg.Argilla(
    # extra_headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}"}

Developer documentation

If you want to contribute to the development of the SDK, you can follow the instructions below.


To install the development dependencies, run the following commands:

# Install pdm (
pip install pdm

# Install the package in editable mode
pip install -e .

# Install the development dependencies with pdm
pdm install --dev

Generating documentation

To generate the docs you will need to install the development dependencies, and run the following command to create the development server with mkdocs:

mkdocs serve

You will find the built documentation in http://localhost:8000/argilla-python/.